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MIssile Defense Agency Von Braun Complex

Phase IV

Redstone Arsenal, AL

ICT provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection design, and construction administration for a new five-story office building. The facility contains Special Access Program Facility (SAPF), Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF), and third party office areas. Project was design-build, and the end user is the Missile Defense Agency (MDA).

This is the fourth building at the Von Braun complex. The facility contains Special Access Program Facility (SAPF), Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF), and third-party office areas. 

  • 850 office spaces.
  • Elevator bank with three passenger elevators and a dual-use passenger/freight elevator.
  • Two business centers on each floor.
  • Design-Build.
  • Telecommunications and Security systems included structured voice and data cabling, access control systems, and closed-circuit television systems.
  • Site utility distribution of medium voltage electrical power systems.
  • Site utility distribution of 300 psig steam.

Project Highlights:

  • The mechanical system consists of two (2) water-cooled high efficiency chillers providing an N+1 arrangement for the critical loads.  The four-pipe system serves medium pressure VAV air handler on each floor with a dedicated outside air unit with an energy recovery unit installed in a penthouse and duct to/from through a 100 percent economizing chase at the building core.  The chilled water system is a variable primary system.  Hot water is generated from a dual source of high efficiency condensing boilers and steam-to-hot water convertor.


250,000 SF


USACE Mobile District


Nashville Machine Co. Inc.


LEED® NC Silver



