Crowder Renewable Natural Gas Facilities
Various Locations
Acting as prime designer in a design-build project execution, ICT was responsible for the design of several renewable natural gas (RNG) facilities which produced pipeline quality natural gas from biogas supplied from existing landfill gas collection systems. ICT worked together with the landfill gas treatment equipment vendors to design the balance of plant (BOP) systems to support the RNG plant including the design of piping systems, auxiliary process equipment, electrical systems, and overall plant controls & network design. Each project included the addition of two (2) new buildings including a process building to house the gas compression and treatment systems as well as an electrical building provided with separate spaces for electrical distribution equipment and an operator control room. Additionally, ICT designed the high-pressure pipeline between the RNG facility and the utility tie-in including the addition of a new utility tap station comprised of final filtration equipment, custody transfer meter station, odorization systems, and over-pressure protection systems.
In addition to the tasks performed for the BOP process design, ICT provided design services to optimize siting of the new RNG facilities and remote landfill blower systems on the existing landfills. ICT worked alongside civil, architectural, and structural engineering subcontractors to develop site plans, utility plans, and MEP design for permitting the new buildings for each site. ICT worked directly with plan reviewers during the development of each site to meet the requirements of all local and state level jurisdictions. ICT also provided construction administration services to provide engineering support during the construction, startup, and commissioning stages.
- Generates Renewable Natural gas from the methane.
- Each engine can produce over 2,100 kW power depending on gas composition. All three projects were completed by middle of July 2016.
- Arlington Landfill - Arlington, TX
- Outagamie Landfill - Appleton, WI
- Countryside Landfill - Grayslake, IL
- Wayne Landfill - McElhattan, PA
- SPSA Landfill - Suffolk, VA
Mas Energy
Crowder Industrial Construction, LLC
Renewable Natural Gas