Blue Flint Ethanol CO2 Sequestration
Supporting the goal of a sustainable future, ICT is committed to designing responsible energy projects and finding innovative solutions for our clients.
Ethanol is a renewable fuel produced from corn and other plant materials and is now used within 98% of all gasoline sold within the United States. The fermentation process for creating ethanol produces a waste gas stream which has a high concentration of CO2 gas. This gas is typically released into the atmosphere, however a process called CO2 sequestration can be used to trap the CO2 and inject it below ground (geological sequestration).
While this process can be energy intensive, sequestration can greatly reduce the carbon impact of ethanol production on the atmosphere and allow future grid based renewable energy sources to supplement the energy necessary for the sequestration process.
ICT partnered with Blue Flint Ethanol and Fagen INC to design and construct a CO2 sequestration facility adjacent to the existing ethanol production facility. The facility produces over 70 million gallons of ethanol per year. The project will reduce the carbon footprint of the ethanol produced by this facility significantly and eliminate the majority of waste CO2 from the fermentation process.
The ethanol facility and nearby coal power facility are together expected to sequester upwards of 220,000 tons of carbon per year, the equivalent emissions of 44,400 vehicles.
Harvestone Group
Fagen, Inc