Corewell Health Combined Heat and Power
Grand Rapids, MI
Supporting the goal of a sustainable future, ICT is committed to designing efficient energy projects and finding innovative solutions for our clients.
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or Cogeneration is a process for creating both power and usable thermal energy from a single system. This allows facilities to maximize the efficiency of fuel usage and reduce utility costs by combining a prime mover and generator with a heat recovery system to produce hot water and/or steam and reduce overall emissions as compared to a traditional boiler system.
A hospital facility or campus is an excellent candidate for a CHP system because of its consistent heat and power demand loads. Many hospitals have existing aged boiler facilities which are in need of modernization. Additionally, the generation from the CHP can supplement the optional standby power loads (such as critical HVAC) to improve resiliency and longevity of existing backup generation systems while operating as an island from the electrical utility.
Corewell Health provides services to thirteen West Michigan counties with more than 2,000 physicians. ICT partnered with Trane Technologies and Corewell Health to deliver a new auxiliary building and CHP system at Butterworth Hospital which contained two 2.5MW reciprocating natural gas generator systems, to offset electrical demand, interconnected to two exhaust heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) to provide both steam and hot water to supplement facility usage and space heating. This CHP system has secured future reliability and redundancy of on-site utilities for the facility and its patients.
Corewell Health
Trane Technologies